Sunday, December 9, 2012

Updates with COMUN and Yoga

COMUN has been quite stressful as sometimes working collaboratively with others in different age groups who have extremely strong views can certainly be a challenge however through this I've learnt the importance of compromise and communication. We are in the process of collecting funds while trying to prepare the team for workshops/practice debates which will be held at the start of 2013.

Yoga: yoga in it's own way has managed to kept my sanity during the past couple of months as I have been extremely stressed out by SAT's, university applications, IB and COMUN.


Battle of The Bands was a huge success! in addition to an amazing concert, both tickets and raffle tickets were sold in order to raise funds. Through this process, I learnt the importance of producing a "quality" event as people ultimately pay to be entertained. On the day of the concert, I was working the front door and in charge of body checking. Thereafter, our CAS group went inside the concert and made sure things were running smoothly. Through this event not only did we help raise money for a good cause but we engaged with issues of a global importance and worked collaboratively with others in order to achieve this goal.

Below are some pictures taken by Amila Withanage and the link to the album.