Sunday, November 27, 2011

Battle of The Bands!

Battle of the Bands took place this saturday and it was a HUGE success! The turnout was really good and everyone worked very hard that night as well as during the day. Kirsty, Imran, Karl and I were in charge of collecting tickets and body checking where as Nadeera, Rasmus, etc. were in charge of sound. The raffle tickets too sold quite well and in total, along with sponsorships, etc. I think we made a total of around 350,000 - 400,000 which is pretty amazing!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Battle of the Bands

The Battle of the Bands will be taking place this coming saturday (26th), thus everything has been pretty chaotic. I'm mainly in charge of selling the tickets so Kirsty and I have been trying to sell them at every opportunity. We have also been selling raffle tickets to get more money. I'm really hoping the concert will be a hit!
MUN too has been pretty hectic as getting sponsors this year has been rather difficult due to the increase in the cost of living. That along with the fact that we're trying to get Cinnamon Grand for the final day of conference has put an extra burden on our shoulders however I am very passionate about MUN thus I'm going to see this true.

Our trip to the Hospital - Cleft Lip and Palate

Our trip to the Hospital - Cleft Lip and Palate

Thursday, November 3, 2011

MUN is really helping me develop my confidence as well as my collaborative skills as working along side a diverse group of people really helps in being open minded and understading other's ideas. In addition the concept of MUN helps develop my knowledge regarding issues of global imporatance. MUN is my true passion and I will continue to work very hard until the conference is a success!