Wednesday, November 7, 2012


There has been a lot going on in COMUN within the past month! We have been getting in a lot of sponsorship deals and a lot in terms of advertising (including an interview I will have to do on TV regarding COMUN) furthermore, things have been extremely stressful as registration forms have been coming in and we have had to keep track whilst creating letters of terms and conditions, the country matrix and contacting all the foreign schools. This has all taken a lot of collaborative effort in which we all worked together to get the tasks completed.
 (harshini's photpgraphy!)
Two weekends ago, we have the Student Coordinator/Faculty Advisor meeting which was very successful from our end as everyone was well rehearsed and organized. However we encountered a speed bump thereafter due to an incident, which took place with the OSC faculty advisor. I won’t get into detail about it, however it really brought out our diplomatic side as we had to handle the situation in the most professional and mature way. This certainly wasn’t easy however it really did show our “MUN” colours and it helped develop my leadership skills as I had to guide the entire group through this process. COMUN has certainly gotten interesting however we are proceeding forward!