Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Senior year goals (2012-2013)

As senior year finally came along, so did my final year of CAS. I achieved the main goal I set for last year which was becoming Secretary General for COMUN for the coming year. Furthermore, I was an active member of the Cleft Lip and Palette group and also kept active throughout the year by doing yoga and going to the gym with a friend. For this coming year, my goals are merely to develop upon these activities.

Creativity: My passion truly does lie with COMUN. After becoming Secretary General, I met with the other two head positions as well as Miss Jasmine (COMUN faculty advisor) and organized interviews towards the end of June. All in all we interviewed over 42 people over two weekends. The process was definitely exhausting but rewarding as we found an excellent executive committee. While performing the interviews, it raised my awareness of my own strengths and weaknesses as I realized I have good people skills and organizational skills however I could possibly improve on my overall knowledge of current events. We had our first meeting with the 30 selected members at my house which was also successful. Meetings would be every Wednesday after school for 2 hours in addition to random weekends which would take place throughout the course of the week. My goal as Secretary General would be to improve the quality and smoothness of the entire conference by working collaboratively with others and encouraging my team to persevere through the rough times. My personal goal however is to develop my confidence with public speaking and improve my knowledge with world issues as I will be engaging with issues of global importance. 

Service: This year for service, we are planning on organizing a repeat performance of last year’s event as it was very successful. We still have to plan out and work out the finer details however my overall goal for this activity is mainly to help in planning and initiating it. During this process and during the actual event, I am hoping to undertake new challenges.

Action: Last year I opted to go to the gym and learn yoga instead of taking part in a sport as I was extremely busy with my other commitments and gyming and yoga were two activities I really enjoyed. I'm hoping to continue the same routine this year as the flexible hours of these activities allowed me to perform them constantly for the past 8 months. My main goals would be to go to the gym twice a week and do one lesson of yoga. I hope to show both perseverance and commitment to this activity as they enable me to feel a sense of personal accomplishment

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